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Working With An Orthopedist

A few years ago, I decided to take up running. I was bad at it at first, but after a few months, I got more comfortable. Unfortunately, right when I got good at running, I developed a bad pain in my left foot. At first, I decided to push past the pain, but it quickly became excruciating. I realized that it might be a good idea to talk with a doctor about my problem, and so I met with an orthopedist. He carefully watched my gait as I ran, and he decided to take some images to check out my bone health. It turned out that I had developed a stress fracture, and my doctor recommended surgery. This blog is all about ways that an orthopedist can help you, so that you can enjoy your hobbies.

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Working With An Orthopedist

Understanding the Causes of Pain in the Balls of Your Feet

Have you ever felt a sharp pain in the balls of your feet that makes it difficult to walk or stand for extended periods? The pain in this area, known as metatarsalgia, is a common foot problem that can be caused by various factors. This blog post will explore the different causes of pain in the balls of your feet and provide tips on how to relieve it. Ill-fitting Shoes:

Understanding Achilles Tendon Rupture And Its Treatment

The Achilles tendon is one of the longest and strongest tendons in the human body. It connects the calf muscles to the heel bone and allows you to walk, run, jump, and stand on the balls of your feet. However, it is also prone to injury, especially among active individuals. One of the most severe injuries that can happen to the Achilles tendon is a rupture. Here's what you need to know about your Achilles tendon and how Achilles tendon rupture treatment can get you back on your feet after an injury.

Chronic Pain Management: Successful Strategies To Focus On

There are people who unfortunately have to deal with chronic pain. Maybe it's their back that always hurts or their wrists. If you have this type of medical problem, here are some management tips to keep in mind. Try to Stretch First Before you look into involved procedures and treatments for chronic pain, you first might want to see if stretching has a positive effect. For a lot of people, it helps them find lasting relief.

When You Need Orthotics

What are orthotics, and why might you need them? These are special devices intended to help make walking and otherwise being on your feet much easier, and you can benefit in big ways by going to your orthopedist to get fitted for orthotics of your own. Do you need orthotics? What do you do if you need them? How do you benefit from them? Will your insurance cover them? Learn more here, and then schedule a consultation with your orthopedist to see if orthotic inserts or other devices will help you.

Mitigating Your Foot Pain Symptoms

Foot pain is a problem that many people will find can have a major impact on their quality of life. When a person is suffering from significant foot pain, they may struggle with walking, running, or even standing. The following are things you can do to help relieve foot pain.  Ensure Your Shoes Are Wide Enough For Your Feet A common source of foot pain can be shoes that do not properly fit a person's feet.

Getting Independent Medical Evaluations For Your Client's Lawsuit

When you represent a client in a personal injury lawsuit, you want to convince the judge or jury to find in this person's favor. You need to present solid evidence to prove your client suffered devastating injuries and is entitled to compensation under the state's laws. However, your word alone as a lawyer may not suffice in winning the judgment you want. Instead, you might more readily convince the court by securing independent medical evaluations for your case.

Benefits Of Wearing Foot Orthotics

Feet have intricate structures sensitive to constant exposure to taxing activities, like walking on hard surfaces. They are also vulnerable to diseases like diabetes and arthritis. In addition, some people have feet defects that make their feet even more susceptible to injuries. Thus, it is essential to protect your feet against disease or wear and tear. Orthotics are the best solution to safeguard your feet since a physician recommends them after evaluating your needs.

Three Undeniable Signs That Indicate You Need To See An Orthopedic Physician Urgently

An orthopedic physician is a doctor who specializes in the musculoskeletal system of the body. The musculoskeletal system comprises the muscles, joints, bones, ligaments, and tendons. Thus, orthopedic physicians focus on diagnosing and treating issues such as fractures, joint pain, arthritis, sprains, and muscle injuries. Here are three major signs that indicate it is high time to book an appointment with an orthopedic physician. Limited Range of Motion Limited range of motion refers to a person's inability to move their body correctly.

4 Signs It Is Time To Consider Hip Replacement Therapy

If you have a bad hip, at some point, you need to know when to consider anterior hip replacement surgery. However, this should not be the first option for you; you should try things such as physical therapy, medication, and perhaps even joint preservation surgery first. After trying these things, there comes a time when you need to consider getting hip replacement therapy done instead.  Stiffness You may need hip replacement surgery if your hip is stiff.

What Knee Replacement Surgery Involves And How To Recover

If you suffer from chronic knee pain from arthritis, your physician may recommend knee replacement surgery. The idea of going under the knife might sound scary at first, but it may help you get the relief you need. As long as it is performed by a reputable surgeon, it is considered a very safe procedure. If you take the time to educate yourself about the procedure, you may feel less nervous.

Myths About Joint Replacement That Could Come Back To Bite You

If you're like most people, you hope you never have to have a joint replacement. However, many people do eventually fall and break a major joint, develop serious arthritis, or suffer a severe injury that does make joint replacement a necessity. If you do ever find yourself in need of a joint replacement, then it will be important to be educated and informed about the process. More specifically, you won't want these common myths to interfere with your surgery and recovery.

Swollen Knee: What's Going On With Your Knee?

If one of your knees is extremely swollen with fluid, you may wonder if it's time to see an orthopedic surgeon for care. If the swelling in your knee is severe enough to limit movement in your lower body, you should see a doctor right away. An orthopedist can determine why your knee looks and feels the way it does for you. Learn more about your swollen knee and how to treat it below.

The Three Main Types Of Upper Limb Prostheses To Consider

If you have lost part of an upper limb, then healing from your amputation surgery needs to be your first priority. Your second priority needs to be finding the right type of prosthesis to suit your needs. Note that you are not stuck with the first type of prosthesis you choose forever. Many patients start off with one type and then change over later on once they are more aware of their needs.

Sore From Computer Work? Dealing With Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

If you sit and type all day for work, you may think you aren't at risk for injury. However, repetitive amounts of typing can lead to a repetitive strain injury (RSIs) called carpal tunnel syndrome. If you are experiencing pain, weakness, tingling, or numbness in your forearm, wrist, or fingers, you should visit a doctor to see if you may be suffering from this RSI. Read on to learn more about carpal tunnel syndrome, how to treat it, and how an orthopedic surgeon can help.

Getting Treated For Severe Knee Pain

Some of the most difficult bodily injuries to deal with are the ones that affect the limbs, as they can interfere with the ability to move freely. For instance, bone disease can affect the limbs in various ways, such as dealing with knee pain from arthritis. A diseased knee joint from arthritis can interfere with the ability to walk without having to struggle due to the pain that is present. If you have stopped walking around as often as you used to because your knee pain is too severe and doesn't subside with over-the-counter medication, you might need to undergo surgery.

Understanding Rotator Cuff Injuries: 3 Things To Know

Shoulder pain is something that most adults will experience at least once during their life. For some, it may occur after participating in a strenuous sport event or while engaging in an extensive household project, like gardening or landscaping. Shoulder pain can also be a sign of a more serious injury, such as damage to the rotator cuff. If you are wondering whether your shoulder pain is a minor issue that will resolve with time and rest, or whether you may have incurred a much more serious injury, here are three things you should know.

What To Do Right After You Have Shoulder Surgery

If you are having shoulder surgery, you need to prepare to take care of yourself after your surgery. Taking good care of yourself after your shoulder surgery will help improve the recovery process. #1 Have Ice Bags Ready You are going to want to prepare ice bags before your surgery. Fill up some gallon bags with crushed ice. You can also use the classic bag of peas; just make sure that you have a few bags on hand to use for icing purposes.

4 Interesting Facts About Ankle Sprains

Whether hurt while playing a sport or injured while walking at home, an ankle sprain can be a painful, immobilizing issue. The swelling is not only uncomfortable and unattractive, but the sprain can reduce your ability to walk, stand, and complete simple daily task. While it is common, most people do not fully understand the development and treatment of this injury. Here are a few interesting facts about a sprained ankle.

Tips For Improving Recovery From Knee Replacement Surgery

As people get older, their joints start to wear out and make it more difficult for them to move freely. This means hip replacement surgery and knee replacement surgery become necessary. While approximately 90 percent of people who have surgery experience large decreases in pain and an increased ability to have a more active lifestyle, the long recovery times make some people hesitate. For example, people with desk jobs often need to take between six and eight weeks off of work, and those who have jobs that require them to stand a lot may need as much as 12 weeks off of work.

Are You A Senior Who Lives Alone? Use These Tips For Preventing Falls

If you are over the age of 65 and live alone, it's a good idea to start being more diligent about lowering your risk of falling inside your house. More than one third of seniors 65 and over have a fall every year. Here's how to prevent falls. Change Your Bathroom Floor Tiles Because of water and hard surfaces, the bathroom can be the most dangerous room in your home and the place where you're most likely to fall.

3 Dietary Changes That Can Improve Your Bone Health

Your bone health is important. As you begin to get older, it's not uncommon to begin losing bone density. This can make bones more fragile, leading to a higher risk of broken bones and joint problems. However, there are things that you can do now to improve your bone health and decrease your risk of losing bone density as you age. Dietary changes can make a big difference to your health in many ways, and bone health is no exception.

Tips For Beating Back Pain

Back pain is nothing to toy with -- the pain can be intense and become exacerbated with age. Since your back connects with so many different joint and muscle groups, you need to be sure that you get it under control, in order to live a higher quality of life. You're not alone, because some 1.5 billion people in the world deal with chronic back pain in their lives. Because of this, you should follow some guidelines below in order to find out some remedies for getting rid of this pain.