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Working With An Orthopedist

A few years ago, I decided to take up running. I was bad at it at first, but after a few months, I got more comfortable. Unfortunately, right when I got good at running, I developed a bad pain in my left foot. At first, I decided to push past the pain, but it quickly became excruciating. I realized that it might be a good idea to talk with a doctor about my problem, and so I met with an orthopedist. He carefully watched my gait as I ran, and he decided to take some images to check out my bone health. It turned out that I had developed a stress fracture, and my doctor recommended surgery. This blog is all about ways that an orthopedist can help you, so that you can enjoy your hobbies.

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Working With An Orthopedist

4 Signs It Is Time To Consider Hip Replacement Therapy

by Jessie Hawkins

If you have a bad hip, at some point, you need to know when to consider anterior hip replacement surgery. However, this should not be the first option for you; you should try things such as physical therapy, medication, and perhaps even joint preservation surgery first. After trying these things, there comes a time when you need to consider getting hip replacement therapy done instead. 


You may need hip replacement surgery if your hip is stiff. For example, you may feel stiffness when you are moving one leg and not the other, such as when you are putting on your socks or shoes. You may notice a sound that just doesn't seem right coming from your hip due to this stiffness, such as grinding, popping, or clicking sounds. 

Issues with One Leg

When you need hip replacement surgery, generally, you only need to have one hip replaced. You will notice that you have issues with just one of your legs. For example, you may feel pain when you stand on one of your legs. Or, if you try to balance yourself on one leg, you may find that you just can't do it for that long with one of your legs. Or, when you are sitting down, you may find that you can't bring your knee to your chest. 

All of these issues are related to your hip and the mobility of your hip. If you are experiencing a variety of mobility issues with one leg, that is because your hip is not functioning as it should.

Frequent Pain

One of the biggest signs that you need hip replacement surgery is frequent pain. You should not have to deal with debilitating pain daily. 

With a damaged hip, you will feel pain when you are walking normal distances. A normal distance depends on your lifestyle, but if you start to notice that you are limping or need a walking stick or pain pills just to get around, your hip pain is reaching surgery level intervention. 

You may also feel pain when you exercise, stopping you from engaging in the type of exercise you want to do. You may feel pain around your hip and knee if you have a bad hip. If the pain goes down towards your ankle, you may have a back issue that needs to be addressed.

You may also feel pain when sleeping. When your hip gets bad, it can be hard to fall asleep, and even slight body movements may wake you up. 

Other Options Don't Work

You should consider hip replacement when other efforts to treat your hip just don't work. You can undergo physiotherapy, medication, and even hip resurfacing to improve the function of your hip. 

If those procedures just don't work, and your hip pain is limiting your ability to live your life fully, you are going to want to talk to your doctor about hip replacement therapy as your next option. Remember, to commit to hip replacement therapy; you also need to be committed to the physical therapy that will be necessary for you to regain your mobility, movement, and life back. 
